Jay Abraham - Income-Building Home Study System Package (eBook)

Rabu, 27 Mei 2009

A 2-day Workshop - SUPERVISORY SKILLS FOR SECRETARY 29-30 Mei 2009


Enhancing Your Supervisory and Leadership skills To Become A Successful Secretary

INVESTMENT FEE Rp. 750,000.- per participant includes handout, certificate, lunch and coffee break PLUS ”Koleksi Games Seru: Untuk Ice Breaker, Team Work, Leadership, Creativity, & High Ropes” book)

REGISTRATION Choice Management Consultants Tel. 251-1460, 251-1462 Fax. 251-1459 Email training@choice-mc.com, choice@indo.net.id

Generally employee in mid-level position likes being passive and waiting orders from his/her superior. They forget or sometimes are ‘shy’ to give feedback to their superior. Even, some do not have capability to deal with the matter. It’s better for them to let their superiors to solve the problem.

Some of these mid-level employees even do not know where and how to deal with the matter related to their function and position. They put their position equal like any other employees (their subordinate). They defend their subordinate instead of their superior.

Secretary, other may call administrative assistant, is one of mid-level position employees with job that has been greatly developed as technology continues to be relied upon in most offices throughout the country. In numerous companies, secretaries and administrative assistants work cooperatively with each other in order to work be flexible and helpful to one another.

Continuing education and training remain essential to secretaries as office automation persists to develop. Secretaries and administrative assistants who are adaptable and flexible are necessary for changing offices.

With this recent change, there is a need for secretary or administrative assistant to develop and improve them with following skills: supervisory, leadership, analytical and problem solving, decision making, effective communication, coaching, counseling, goal setting, and performance appraisal skills.

After attending this program, participants will be better able to: • understand their responsibilities, roles, and attitude as a STAR secretary• understand how to handle problems and take decisions• identify the superior’s and subordinate’s character in order to cooperate effectively• identify the superior’s and subordinate’s needs courteously and efficiently• communicate professionally with the superior and subordinate• resolve interpersonal conflict• achieve desired outcomes for the organisation and themselves• develop necessary skills to become a successful secretary

This Program is recommended for a professional secretary who needs to improve their skills dealing with superior and subordinate as part of their work roles and for a fresh graduate who wants to pursue career as a professional secretary.

• Roles, responsibilities, and attitude of a STAR secretary• How to handle problems and take decisions• Managing conflict• Identifying characters and coping with different personality types• Common mistakes of a supervisor• Implementing coaching and counseling techniques• Implementing situational leadership styles• Assertive communication• Goal setting for individual and team• Performance appraisal

The course will be participative, involves discussion and sharing session, and based on participants' needs and experience. Skills practice, simulation or games, and role play to replicate 'difficult' scenarios in a safe experiential manner will be exercised. Practical activities will be debriefed and constructive feedback will be given to participants on how they can improve their skills. Where appropriate, insights from research and psychological models will be used.

Licensed Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming(TM)
Certified Practitioner of Communication Skills
Certified Hypnotherapist

Putera is recognised among his trainees for his excellent combination of applicable and theoretical training materials.

His experience, in managing and directing the company, delivers him successfully to inspire and motivate others. His knowledge in automotive, finance, and retail industry supports him to confidently share his expertise to others. His area of expertise are Leadership and supervising; Team Building and Creativity; Salesmanship; Service Excellence; Motivational and Change!; Communication, and so on.

He received his degree in industrial engineering from University of Atma Jaya, Yogyakarta in 2000. He received a scholarship to study his MBA at the Wolverhampton Business School, University of Wolverhampton, in the UK and completed his MBA in 2003.

His managerial experience in retail, education, automotive, and finance industry are a strong plus point for him to deliver this supervisory module.

His partnership and experience as a trainer in Choice Management Consultants supports him to powerfully deliver the contents to his participants and to assist the learning process of his participants.

His clients come from various backgrounds: multilevel marketing, education, bank, automotive, telecommunication, retail, NGO, media, and so on.

In conjunction with Bintang Dwi Nugroho Respati, Putera writes the Best Selling Book “Koleksi Games Seru:untuk Ice Breaker, Team Work, Leadership, Creativity, & High Ropes” (first in Indonesia complimented with VCD). For more information, please visit http://www.puteralengkong.com/.

The author also spare some of his time to generate ideas on personal development, self improvement, self motivation, leadership, communication, and marketing which can be accessed through his personal blog at http://puteralengkong.blogspot.com/.

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